Pakistani actress Veena Malik seems to be getting ready to set the screen on fire once again. This time, the hot and happening girl will be doing the magic in a Kannada film. The actress is making her debut in Kannada film industry with Silk Sakkath Hot Maga, a biopic on yesteryear sex siren Silk Smith. The film was earlier christened as Dirty Picture Silk Sakkath Hot, but it was changed after Ekta Kapoor, the producer of Silk Smith's biopic in Hindi named The Dirty Picture, raised objection over the same. From the day one, Veena Malik has been making news related to Silk Sakkath Hot Maga. She drew the Sandalwood media and audience attention through her bold photoshoots of the movie. Now, the film has reached the last stage with the completion of the song shoot in Pattaya, Thailand, the song on Veena Malik and her co-star Akshay.
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